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Fra Amada |
Amada(= å bli elsket) kom til Enghaugen i 2006 sammen med Alita, mine to aller første alpakkaer!
Amada er født i Chile, og kom til Norge når hun var 2,5 år, (hvis alderen man får oppgitt fra Chile stemmer?)
Amada fødte kun fire dager etter ankomst, ei søt lita criajente, Bibiana.
Fra Alpakkaene |
Fra Betty |
Det er så vanskelig!!!! På den ene siden hvor ønsket om at hun for alt i verden skal bli bra, og at datteren Betty skal få ha sin mor i nærheten - og på den andre siden at man ikke ønsker at sine kjære dyr skal lide unødig og at man er redd for å være egoistisk, at man utsetter avgjørelsen fordi det gjør så vondt...
I samråd med veterinær ble den vanskelige avgjørelsen tatt med å la Amada få reise dit gresset alltid er grønt og solen alltid skinner.
Hvil i fred kjære Amada - jeg skal ta godt vare på datteren din Betty! Fra Betty
Amada(=to be loved) came in 2006 to Enghaugen with Alita, my two very first alpacas.!
Amada was born in Chile, and came to Norway when she was 2.5 years (if the age from Chile is correct?)
Amada gave birth only four days after arrival, a cute little cria girl, Bibiana.
Amada has since then given birth to Beleza, Bello and Betty. Betty is now motherless, 5.5 months old:( So incredibly unfair and sad!
Amada has been sick for a long time, she has received the best care and medications to improve the condition. A brief period it seemed to be going well:) but after a while, she was back again in the same bad shape:( It's so hard!!
On the one side the desire for her be well and their daughter Betty to have her mother around - and on the other side that you do not want your beloved animals to suffer unnecessarily and that you are afraid to be selfish, that you postpone the decision because it hurts so much ...
In consultation with the veterinarian the difficult decision was made to let Amada go to the place where the grass is always green and the sun always shines.
Rest in peace dear Amada - I'll take good care of your daughter Betty!