Alita, Amada og Benita er bedekket med machoen Pejo Genesis. Bibiana er bedekket med Sigdals Fernando.
Alita, Amada og Benita har tidligere vist seg som perfekte mødre, mens Bibiana imponerte ikke som mor...hun avviste ungen sin Casanova.
Dette resultert i at jeg måtte melke henne de første døgnene...for hun hadde melk, men ville absolutt ikke slippe til Casanova! Hun var agressiv mot ham. Og deretter måtte jeg fortsette med melk på flaske.

Uvisst hvorfor hun avviste ungen sin i fjor, men jeg har bestemt meg for å gi henne én sjanse til...og snart vil det vise seg... for fødselen er nær..hos alle fire :)
My first two alpacas and their first two daughters will soon give birth.
Alita, Amada and Benita are covered with macho Pejo Genesis. Bibiana is covered with Sigdal Fernando.
Alita, Amada and Benita has previously shown to be perfect mothers, while Bibiana did not impress as a mother ... she rejected her cria Casanova. Therefore I had to milk Bibiana for the first days after birth ... because she had milk, but wouldn't let her cria have some! She was aggressive towards him. So I had to continue bottlefeed him.
.. But after a few days Casanova would not have the bottle, and when I watched him the next hour, I knew why;) Both Alita and Benita allowed him to have milk.., provided that their crias also was drinking.
I don't know why she rejected her baby last year, but I've decided to give her one more chance ... and soon I will know ... because they are about to give birth any day .. all four of them:)
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